Global Forest and Tree Restoration
Da martedì 11 ottobre 2022 a mercoledì 12 ottobre 2022
Conferenza internazionale realizzata in collaborazione con Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
The G20 summit which took place in Rome in October 2021, and the UN COP26
conference on the Convention against Climate Change, held in Glasgow, 20th
October 2021, solemnly and authoritatively reaffirmed the fundamental role of
trees, forests and forest conservation in the protection of the global
environment. It is widely recognized the contribution of forest ecosystems to
climate change mitigation, in addition to the other fundamental ecosystem
services they offer as biodiversity conservation.
The commitment made by G20 nations to encourage the development of
afforestation with the planting and restoration of 1,000 billion trees,
focusing on the most degraded ecosystems around the world, marks a significant
recognition for the forest sector but is also a crucial engagement and a
substantial responsibility to effectively move towards this goal.
A number of projects are at different stages of progress in different parts of
the world, promoted by governmental and private organizations and foundations.
The planning and guidance of this great and ambitious worldwide program for the
conservation of natural forests, the regeneration of degraded ecosystems and
the planting of new trees, as foreseen by art.19 of G20 resolutions, require a
concerted scientific, technical, and financial effort.
Italian scientific Academies and Institutions, including FIDAF, coordinated
by the Accademia dei Lincei, one of the oldest Academies in the world, are
organizing the International Conference on Global Forest and Tree
Restoration to with the objective of analyzing the state of knowledge
and experiences and to promote this wide international effort. The Conference
will be held in Rome, from 11 to 13 October 2022, and is organized with a
series of sessions with invited presentations.